
Time: 3 hours
Level of difficulty: Easy
From the Bottom Station of the Mt.Szrenica Double Chair Lift take a ride to the top of Mt.Szrenica. Take green marked tourist trail and pass near the rocks called The Horses Heads (in Polish: Końskie Łby) to reach the Szrenica Meadow (in Polish: Hala Szrenicka) and the refuge Schronisko na Hali Szrenickiej. Then follow red marked tourist trail to see 27m-high Kamieńczyk Waterfall (in Polish: Wodospad Kamieńczyka). Take red marked tourist trail and walk to the Under the Kamieńczyk Crossroad (in Polish: Rozdroże pod Kamieńczykiem) and then follow the trail to the Raven Rocks (in Polish: Krucze Skały; Quasar Mountain School ). Continue via Mickiewicza street to return to the centre of the town passing by the Karczmarz Rocks, the Polish Channel 3 Radio Square (in Polish: Skwer Radiowej Trójki) and the St. Lukas Mill (in Polish: Młyn św. Łukasza; restaurant). Finally follow Turystyczna Street to get back to the Bottom Station of the Mt.Szrenica Double Chair Lift.
Time: 6 hours
Level of difficulty: Medium
From the the Bottom Station of the Mt.Szrenica Double Chair Lift take a ride to the top of Mt.Szrenica. Follow red marked tourist trail passing by the Three Pigs Rocks (in Polish: Trzy Świnki), Twarożnik Tor (in Polish: Twarożnik) to Czech border and the refuge Vosecká bouda. Then follow yellow marked tourist trail to the road fork known as Krakonošova snídanĕ (Krakonoš Breakfast). There switch to blue trail called Harrachovská cesta to get to the Waterfall of the Mumlava River (in Czech: Mumlavsky vodopad). In Harrachov you will be offered the sightseeing of ski jumping towers complex. Return transfer to Szklarska Poręba by train (in Czech: Jizerská dráha; in German: Tannwalder Zahnradbahn).
Time: 6 hours
Level of difficulty: Difficult
From the Bottom Station of the Mt.Szrenica Double Chair Lift take a ride to the top of Mt.Szrenica. Take The Wet Road green marked tourist trail and get to the Pod Łabskim Szczytem Refuge (in Polish: Schronisko Pod Łabskim Szczytem). Then follow yellow marked tourist trail to The RTV Relay Station, then switch to red marked tourist trail to reach the top of Mt.Wielki Szyszak. Next, switch to blue marked tourist trail to get to the Snowy Cirques (in Polish: Śnieżne Kotły). Finally, take green marked tourist trail to go back to Szklarska Poręba passing nearby Pod Łabskim Szczytem Refuge (in Polish: Schronisko Pod Łabskim Szczytem).