When is the cable car open?
There are maintenance breaks between seasons. The next planned break: October 24, 2022 – December 2, 2022.
Please note that the cableway cannot run when the wind exceeds 20 m / s (approx. 70 km / h). We advise you to follow the forecasts in advance, check the current conditions, because it may happen that during the day the railway is turned off due to strong wind. Then it will not be possible to return from the mountains other than on foot! The cable car operator is not responsible for such situations.
Where is the starting station of the cable car?
The lower cableway station to Szrenica is located in Szklarska Poręba at Turystyczna 25a. From the center of Szklarska Poręba, you can walk along Turystyczna Street or by car through 1-Maja, Kilińskiego and Urocza Streets.
Where is the upper station of the cable car?
The upper cable car station is located on the green trail, approx. 200m north of the Szrenica top : approx. 20 min. uphill walk to the top of Szrenica mountain or approx. 30 minutes walk downhill to Hala Szrenicka – look at the map .
Where can I leave my car?
At the lower cable car station, there are city car parks (payable at the parking meter) and private car parks run by the neighboring hotels / guesthouses. In addition, several dozen parking spaces are located along the one-way Urocza Street, from the Mineralogical Museum (payable at the parking meter). On crowded days (weekends, holidays, holidays), we advise you to look for vacancies here.
Where can I buy a ticket?
The main place to sell tickets are the ticket offices located at the lower cable car station. Tickets can also be purchased at the upper station and at transfer stations – at the cable car service.
We accept cash and card payments.
We do not sell tickets online.
How much is the ticket ?
The price depends on the chosen direction and the cableway section – see Price list.
The railway consists of two sections: the first ends on the green trail (between the Kamieńczyk waterfall and the Łabski Szczyt Mountain Hostel ), the second one about 200m from the top of Szrenica mountain . Each section takes about 20 minutes.
If you want to get to Szrenica and you also plan to return by cable car, it is best to buy a combined ticket “UP AND DOWN HILL I & II SECTIONS” – the purchase of separate tickets for each section will be more expensive.
Are there any additional fees ?
The ticket does not include the entrance fee to the Karkonosze National Park (KPN).
There is a KPN ticket office at the transfer station, where this fee is charged.
See price list on the KPN website.
Can I bring my dog?
Yes. A passenger with a valid ticket can bring the dog. A small dog can sit on the owner’s lap, a large one – next to it on some kind of pad (blanket, towel, etc.) so that it does not soil the seat.
Please note that the chairlift does not have any protection for animals – the owner is responsible for its safety!
Can I bring a luggage ?
Luggage such as a large backpack or a bag can be transported next to a passenger or on a separate chair. You do not need to buy an additional ticket for luggage.